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Water Warriors Aqua Master Precharge System .:

waterwarriors_krypton_01_1024tbIn 2005 (though released in 2004 in the Southern Hemisphere, actually), Water Warriors line introduced the Aqua-Master Pre-Charge Series. The blasters are named after a few of the Noble Gases, namely the Argon, Krypton, and Xenon. While still air-pressure based, the significant difference in these soakers' design is that the pressurized air is contained in a separate compartment from the water. Akin to pre-pumping a soaker with a separate pressure chamber, the Aqua-Master line is first pumped with air only, filling the 'back side' of the firing chamber with compressed air. A switch is then toggled to allow pumping of water into the other half of the firing chamber. The advantage here is that pre-pumping only needs to be done once per use, afterwards only a few more pump strokes of water are required to reach maximum pressure. This design also makes the shots more CPS-like, though not quite. The biggest problem with the first release was that the Xenon and Krypton were extremely difficult to pump when the chamber was fully pre-pressurized. The second generation Aqua Master Prechargers (released starting in 2006) had reduced pump volume for water, thus meaning a couple more pumps needed per shot, but overall pumping became significantly easier.

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