Overall Game Objective(s):
Score-Based |
Number of Players | Distribution:
- Number of Players / Participants :: Any (even numbers preferred) || 8 to 16 (recommended) / 2 (minimum needed) / 20 (maximum recommended) || Referee(s) optional, recommended for games with >10 participants
- Distribution :: Strict 2 Teams with evenly distributed Players; can optionally distribute Players based on skill
Hit / Scoring Mode | Recommended Hit / Scoring Method
(Recommended / Required):
- Hit / Scoring Mode :: Objective-Completion Scoring
- Hit / Scoring Method (Recommended / Required) :: Points awarded when the ball enters the goal area
Time Limit:
15 to 20 minutes per round; 2 to 4 rounds total recommended switching sides between rounds |
Battle / Playing Field Size (Recommended / Required) | Specific Environment (Recommended / Required):
- Battle/Playing Field Size (Recommended / Required) :: Recommended Small (baseball diamond/in-field area - ~8100 sqft = ~0.18 acres) to Medium (soccer field size - roughly 2 acres)
- Specific Environment (Recommended / Required) :: Any || Sand / Beach, Grassy Field, or Asphalt / Concrete recommended
End Game (optional):
N/A |
Special Requirements (optional):
Ball that can be easily pushed by a stream of water (i.e. a standard beach ball); goal areas (goal lines marked by goal posts, pylons, etc.) |
Specific Details and Rules:
Unlike soccer or basketball or even water polo, waterball makes use of water to push the ball along towards the goal. In water ball, no person is allowed to come in contact with the ball. The ball used should be something large and light (i.e. an inflatable beach ball). Like soccer, a goal is scored when the ball passes between two goal posts. Part of the challenge is getting the ball going where one wants it using one's water blasters. One can also blast an opposing team member but this will only distract and not move the ball towards the goal. A time limit is set for the game and the winner is determined by the number of goals scored in the allowed time.
If the ball goes out-of-bounds, the team that caused the ball to leave the playing field loses possession and the opposing team gets first squirt from the point of exit. If the ball comes into contact with a player, the player hit must stop squirting for 10-30 seconds (depending on the rules set before the game) while the other team gets possession of the ball. |