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iS SuperSoaker cps2000_01tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_02tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_03tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_04tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_05tb
iS SuperSoaker cps2000_06tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_07tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_08tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_09tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_10tb
iS SuperSoaker cps2000_11tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_12tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_13tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_14tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000_15tb
iS SuperSoaker cps2000_16tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000box_01tb      
iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_01tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_02tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_03tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_04tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_05tb
iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_06tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_07tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_08tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_09tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_10tb
iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_11tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_12tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_13tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_14tb iS SuperSoaker cps2000b_15tb

From Others

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Shot Videos (Mk. 1)

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Shot Videos (Mk. 2)


Known variant (a.k.a. Super Soaker CPS 2000 Mk. 2). Notice smaller length firing chamber.
Image not for redistribution.

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 Product Listing Page | Super Soaker Product Evolution Tree 

Super Soaker Constant Pressure System (CPS) Series

Reviews on Other Sites


Liquid Warfare

Wayne Schmidt's CPS 2000 Super Soaker Page

Additional Resources

Water Blaster: Basics | Care, Cleaning, and Storage | Soaker Use: Basics|Repair Articles|Elastic Pressure System Blaster Usage

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